Monday 29 April 2013

Mondays - It's time to get over it

" :( It's Monday" ..... so fucking what?!

People who whine about it being Monday really bug the shit out of me. Everybody knows it's Monday, we don't need people reminding us what day of the week it is. Most of us learnt week days as infants and it happens every 7 days. Are people really still surprised when it turns up after Sunday? Where have they been for the past weeks of their lives? Do they think one day they will wake up and it won't be Monday? Monday will have magically disappeared and it will be Tuesday, which will then become the new Monday to bitch about?! Are these people retards? .. No, that's offensive to retards. They are so much worse, they are people who pretend they have some form of intelligence.

Yes you have to go back to work, yes it's boring and getting up early isn't fun but stop blaming it on Monday. Poor Monday didn't ask to be chosen to be the main start for people's working week, and for some it isn't. Some people don't even get your precious weekend break, so stop bitching about it being Monday and just get on with your lives.

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