Monday 29 April 2013

Welcome to Haterville ...

As stated in the description, everyday I get immensely annoyed by people and things that occur throughout my day. I am a hater.
I do not consider myself brave or "hard", and therefore have decided to bring my hatred here instead of expressing it to the people who have created it. Getting punched in the face because of my opinions and views does not sound like a fun way of life to me.
This blog will hopefully be for people who are like minded to myself, to come and agree and let out frustrations together. For anyone who gets offended by anything that is said, then this blog is not for you, as you would probably be the root to many of my annoyances if I knew you in person. So please just remove yourself.

I hate about 90 - 95% of the human population that I know of, maybe there are better humans out in the world that I have not come across yet but for now I have decided there isn't and there is little or no hope for the human race.
Probably unsurprisingly, "friends" on my own Facebook page are one of the main causes of my built up rage. Therefore on this blog I will run a Facebook Friday post, which will be a collection of Facebook statuses from "friends" that have made me want to create a way to climb through my laptop screen, come out of theirs and bitch slap sense into them. I mean seriously, how can people be that annoying in just a sentence. It's like they are doing it on purpose. Just fuck off, if you have nothing that is remotely interesting to say or semi-intelligent, why bother posting it? and then you get the even more ridiculous people who actually like these kind of statuses. WHAT?! How do other people not read it and feel exactly the same as I do?
I think people should join forces, create a new form of Facebook where you are able to send these online brain offenders and they will all live happily ever after, mentally high fiving each other over their shitty little uninteresting lives and organise their shitty little outings.
I know what you probably thinking at this point, why don't I just remove them? Well this is where the flaw to the above plan appears. I actually enjoy being angry at them. As much as I bitch and complain, there is something enjoyable about it, I wish there wasn't but there is.
I think I'm going to leave it there for this first post as it was just to say welcome.

This blog may in turn annoy people who are reading it, if it does feel free to post on your own blog about it. Be warned, punctuation isn't one of my talents but I will try my best.

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